Sunday, September 20, 2009

Final Day of our Trek

It's 6:30, and we're up and preparing for our last day of walking. Today, 19 km to Santiago, and then we're done. (Barring any mumber of mishaps that could slow us down, obviously.) I feel an odd mix of excitement and melencholy. I'll be excited to get there, but I'm not sure I'm ready for this to be over. It seems like we've only recently finally GOTTEN the pilgrim thing. For one thing, I'm no longer walking from Ibuprofen to Ibuprofen. My body knows how to be a pilgrim. More than that, the getting up and moving on have become the rhythm of the day. We walk, then we get there and rest. Finally. I have come to feel nearly physically the presence of the prople who walk with us from all over--our loved ones, friends, students, readers of this blog, as well as those we meet on the trail, both fellow pilgrims and the locals who help us on ourway. I'll miss the momentum of being part of a community on the road.

But today is still a hiking day, about 12 miles worth.'s morning. TIme to pack the pack, find coffee, and set off again. Even if for the last time. This time, anyway.

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